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Social Deprivation Index
Jan 18, 2025
Mark Morgan
General & Administrative
Social Deprivation Index
This is a social determinant of health measurement. The range is 1 to 10. Lower numbers are better.
<-- ZIP code
Social Deprivation Index is 1.
Social Deprivation Index is 2.
Social Deprivation Index is 3.
Social Deprivation Index is 4.
Social Deprivation Index is 5.
Social Deprivation Index is 6.
Social Deprivation Index is 7.
Social Deprivation Index is 8.
Social Deprivation Index is 9.
Social Deprivation Index is 10.
If SDI is established, it will appear above this line after ZIP code is entered. Otherwise SDI is 0.
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Social deprivation index (SDI). Robert Graham Center - Policy Studies in Family Medicine & Primary Care. (2018, November 5).
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