Electronic tools for clinical documentation and decision making
These simple calculators can be used in clinic visits. And the calculations remain entirely on your computer - we don’t want your data. All calculations are performed on your computer in the browser and are not transmitted over the internet. You can save these HTML files on your computer for offline use. The basic (or my earliest) template for a JavaScript calculator is here.
The best place for medical information is in the electronic health record, but you may want to save your inputs for future reference. So… there’s JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. It may be kind of intimidating, but it’s compact and there’s a lot less clicking if you can make it work for you. Posts about the JSON calculators are here.
Before I made the web-based calculators, I made an Excel spreadsheet for calculations and tracking. This is the same general principle - keep your data safely on your computer. Posts about the Excel spreadsheet are here.
cliniborg set viewer
all clinical calculators so far - JSON input
all calculators so far
clinical calculators with JSON input - BMI, BMR, ASCVD
clinical calculator - atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk
social deprivation index (SDI) ZIP code lookup
older, obsolete calculator - BMI, BMR, ASCVD
list denumerizer with space singularizer
line and space singularizer
problem denumerizer
basal metabolic rate (BMR)
body mass index (BMI)
hello world
custom function spreadsheet fix
lifetime atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk calculator spreadsheet custom function
ten year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk calculator spreadsheet custom function
starting with custom excel spreadsheet functions
a monster spreadsheet to use in clinical visits
the flow of work in clinic
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