This is an update to all the existing Excel custom functions so far.

The Frankenstein spreadsheet has multiple custom functions.

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is more information about Excel custom functions at this Microsoft support page.

To make a custom function you’ll need to open the visual basic editor in your excel program and then enter and save the code. More information about doing this is at this Microsoft support page

And again, standard Excel functions will guide you as you try to select the cells for the calculation. The bummer about custom Excel functions is that there is no automatically displaying guide. You can make one appear (in Windows) by pressing CTRL-A. More on this is at this stackoverflow page

The most significant change of these formulas is that I have remove the message box pop up warnings and just set the function equal to the error message. It eliminates a flurry of message box pop ups when you open the spreadsheet.

Corrected calcium

This uses albumin to correct the calcium level.

Function CALCIUMCORRECTED(calcium, albumin)
    If IsEmpty(calcium) Then
        CALCIUMCORRECTED = "error:  calcium field is empty"
        GoTo LineZilch
    ElseIf calcium < 0 Then
        CALCIUMCORRECTED = "error:  calcium cannot be 0 or less"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If IsEmpty(albumin) Then
        CALCIUMCORRECTED = "error:  albumin field is empty"
        GoTo LineZilch
    ElseIf albumin < 0 Then
        CALCIUMCORRECTED = "albumin cannot be 0 or less"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    CALCIUMCORRECTED = calcium + (0.8 * (4 - albumin))
'nothing happens here
End Function

AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI)

This is used to estimate liver fibrosis.

Function LIVERAPRI(ast, platelets)
    If IsEmpty(ast) Then
        LIVERAPRI = "error:  ast field is empty"
        GoTo LineZilch
    ElseIf ast < 0 Then
        LIVERAPRI = "error:  ast cannot be 0 or less"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If IsEmpty(platelets) Then
        LIVERAPRI = "error:  platelets field is empty"
        GoTo LineZilch
    ElseIf platelets < 0 Then
        LIVERAPRI = "error:  platelets cannot be 0 or less"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    LIVERAPRI = (100 * ((ast / 37) / platelets))
    LIVERAPRI = Application.Round(LIVERAPRI, 2)
'nothing happens here
End Function

The function below is used to interpret the APRI score.

    If IsEmpty(apri) Then
        LIVERAPRIINTERPRETATION = "error:  apri field is empty"
        GoTo LineZilch
    ElseIf apri < 0 Then
        LIVERAPRIINTERPRETATION = "error:  apri cannot be 0 or less"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If apri > 2 Then
        GoTo Line1
    ElseIf apri > 1.5 Then
        GoTo Line2
    ElseIf apri > 0.5 Then
        GoTo Line3
        GoTo Line4
    End If
    LIVERAPRIINTERPRETATION = "Likely cirrhosis"
    GoTo LineZilch
    LIVERAPRIINTERPRETATION = "Likely significant fibrosis, cirrhosis possible"
    GoTo LineZilch
    LIVERAPRIINTERPRETATION = "Significant fibrosis or cirrhosis possible"
    GoTo LineZilch
    LIVERAPRIINTERPRETATION = "Unlikely cirrhosis or significant fibrosis"
    GoTo LineZilch
'nothing happens here
End Function
Function BMIIMPERIAL(heightinches, weightpounds)
    BMIIMPERIAL = 703 * weightpounds / heightinches ^ 2
    BMIIMPERIAL = Application.Round(BMIIMPERIAL, 2)
End Function

The Alcoholic Liver Disease/Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Index (ANI)

This is used to distinguish alcoholic liver disease from fatty liver disease.

Function LIVERANI(gender, mcv, ast, alt, heightinches, weightpounds)
' reference
' ani = -58.5 + 0.637 (MCV) + 3.91 (AST/ALT) – 0.406 (BMI) + 6.35 for male gender.
' bmi = weight (lb) / [height (in)]2 x 703
    If LCase(gender) = "male" Then
        GoTo Line1
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        GoTo Line2
    End If

    gender = 6.35
    GoTo Line3
    gender = 0
    GoTo Line3
    LIVERANI = -58.5 + (0.637 * mcv) + (3.91 * ast / alt) - (0.406 * 703 * weightpounds / heightinches ^ 2) + gender
    LIVERANI = Application.Round(LIVERANI, 2)
'nothing happens here
End Function

The function below interprets the ANI score with a probability of alcoholic liver disease.

    LIVERANIPROBABILITY = (Exp(ani)) / (1 + (Exp(ani)))
End Function

ASCVD Risk Calculators

This is an updated 10-year ASCVD Risk formula. As with all the others here, I just removed the message box warnings that were in the prior versions.

Function TENYEARASCVDRISK(gender, age, race, tobacco, diabetes, hypertension_medication, total_cholesterol, hdl_cholesterol, systolic_blood_pressure)

    If LCase(gender) = "male" Or LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        GoTo Line1
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  gender needs to be Male or Female for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If age >= 40 And age <= 75 Then
        GoTo Line2
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  age needs to be between 40 and 75"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If LCase(race) = "white" Or LCase(race) = "african american" Then
        GoTo Line3
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  race needs to be either White or African American for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If LCase(tobacco) = "yes" Or LCase(tobacco) = "no" Then
        GoTo Line4
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  tobacco needs to be either Yes or No for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If LCase(tobacco) = "yes" Then
        tobacco = 1
    ElseIf LCase(tobacco) = "no" Then
        tobacco = 0
    End If

    If LCase(diabetes) = "yes" Or LCase(diabetes) = "no" Then
        GoTo Line5
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  diabetes needs to be either Yes or No for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If LCase(diabetes) = "yes" Then
        diabetes = 1
    ElseIf LCase(diabetes) = "no" Then
        diabetes = 0
    End If
    If LCase(hypertension_medication) = "yes" Or LCase(hypertension_medication) = "no" Then
        GoTo Line6
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  hypertension_medication needs to be either Yes or No for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If total_cholesterol > 0 Then
        GoTo Line7
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  total_cholesterol needs to be above 0"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If hdl_cholesterol > 0 Then
        GoTo Line8
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  hdl_cholesterol needs to be above 0"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If systolic_blood_pressure > 0 Then
        GoTo Line9
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = "error:  systolic_blood_pressure needs to be above 0"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If LCase(gender) = "female" And LCase(race) = "white" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "no" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.9665) ^ Exp(((-29.799 * Log(age)) + (4.884 * (Log(age)) ^ 2) + (13.54 * (Log(total_cholesterol))) + (-3.114 * Log(age) * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-13.578 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (3.149 * Log(age) * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.957 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (7.574 * tobacco) + (-1.665 * Log(age) * tobacco) + (0.661 * diabetes)) + 29.18)))
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "female" And LCase(race) = "white" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "yes" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.9665) ^ Exp(((-29.799 * Log(age)) + (4.884 * (Log(age)) ^ 2) + (13.54 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-3.114 * Log(age) * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-13.578 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (3.149 * Log(age) * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (2.019 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (7.574 * tobacco) + (-1.665 * Log(age) * tobacco) + (0.661 * diabetes)) + 29.18)))

    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "female" And LCase(race) = "african american" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "no" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.9533) ^ Exp(((17.114 * Log(age)) + (0.94 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-18.92 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (4.475 * Log(age) * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (27.82 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (-6.087 * Log(age) * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (0.691 * tobacco) + (0.874 * diabetes)) - 86.61)))
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "female" And LCase(race) = "african american" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "yes" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.9533) ^ Exp(((17.114 * Log(age)) + (0.94 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-18.92 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (4.475 * Log(age) * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (29.291 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (-6.432 * Log(age) * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (0.691 * tobacco) + (0.874 * diabetes)) - 86.61)))
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "male" And LCase(race) = "white" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "no" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.9144) ^ Exp(((12.344 * Log(age)) + (11.853 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-2.664 * Log(age) * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-7.99 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.769 * Log(age) * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.764 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (7.837 * tobacco) + (-1.795 * Log(age) * tobacco) + (0.658 * diabetes)) - 61.18)))
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "male" And LCase(race) = "white" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "yes" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.9144) ^ Exp(((12.344 * Log(age)) + (11.853 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-2.664 * Log(age) * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-7.99 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.769 * Log(age) * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.797 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (7.837 * tobacco) + (-1.795 * Log(age) * tobacco) + (0.658 * diabetes)) - 61.18)))

    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "male" And LCase(race) = "african american" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "no" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.8954) ^ Exp(((2.469 * Log(age)) + (0.302 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-0.307 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.809 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (0.549 * tobacco) + (0.645 * diabetes)) - 19.54)))
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "male" And LCase(race) = "african american" And LCase(hypertension_medication) = "yes" Then
        TENYEARASCVDRISK = (1 - ((0.8954) ^ Exp(((2.469 * Log(age)) + (0.302 * Log(total_cholesterol)) + (-0.307 * Log(hdl_cholesterol)) + (1.916 * Log(systolic_blood_pressure)) + (0.549 * tobacco) + (0.645 * diabetes)) - 19.54)))
    End If
'nothing happens here

End Function

This is the lifetime ASCVD risk calculator without the message box warnings.

Function LIFETIMEASCVDRISK(gender, age, tobacco, diabetes, total_cholesterol, systolic_blood_pressure)

    If LCase(gender) = "male" Or LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        GoTo Line1
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "error:  gender needs to be Male or Female for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If


    If LCase(gender) = "male" Then
        gender = 1000
    ElseIf LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        gender = 0
    End If
    If age >= 20 And age <= 59 Then
        GoTo Line2
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "error:  age needs to be between 20 and 59"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If LCase(tobacco) = "yes" Or LCase(tobacco) = "no" Then
        GoTo Line3
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "error:  tobacco needs to be either Yes or No for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If LCase(tobacco) = "yes" Then
        tobacco = 100
    ElseIf LCase(tobacco) = "no" Then
        tobacco = 0
    End If

    If LCase(diabetes) = "yes" Or LCase(diabetes) = "no" Then
        GoTo Line4
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "error:  diabetes needs to be either Yes or No for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If LCase(diabetes) = "yes" Then
        diabetes = 100
    ElseIf LCase(diabetes) = "no" Then
        diabetes = 0
    End If

    If total_cholesterol > 0 Then
        GoTo Line5
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "error:  total_cholesterol needs to be above 0"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If
    If total_cholesterol >= 240 Then
        GoTo Line6
    ElseIf total_cholesterol >= 200 Then
        GoTo Line7
    ElseIf total_cholesterol >= 180 Then
        GoTo Line8
        GoTo Line9
    End If
    total_cholesterol = 100
    GoTo Line10

    total_cholesterol = 10
    GoTo Line10

    total_cholesterol = 1
    GoTo Line10

    total_cholesterol = 0
    GoTo Line10
    If systolic_blood_pressure > 0 Then
        GoTo Line11
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "error:  systolic_blood_pressure needs to be above 0"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If systolic_blood_pressure >= 160 Then
        GoTo Line12
    ElseIf systolic_blood_pressure >= 140 Then
        GoTo Line13
    ElseIf systolic_blood_pressure >= 120 Then
        GoTo Line14
        GoTo Line15
    End If
    systolic_blood_pressure = 100
    GoTo Line16

    systolic_blood_pressure = 10
    GoTo Line16
    systolic_blood_pressure = 1
    GoTo Line16
    systolic_blood_pressure = 0
    GoTo Line16
    If (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 1199 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "2 or more MAJOR risk factors - 68.9%"
    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 1099 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "1 MAJOR risk factor - 50.4%"
    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 1009 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "1 or more ELEVATED risk factors - 45.5%"

    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 1000 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "1 or more NOT OPTIMAL risk factors - 36.4%"
    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 999 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "All OPTIMAL risk factors - 5.2%"

    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 199 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "2 or more MAJOR risk factors - 50.2%"
    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 99 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "1 MAJOR risk factor - 38.8%"
    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 9 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "1 or more ELEVATED risk factors - 39.1%"

    ElseIf (systolic_blood_pressure + total_cholesterol + tobacco + diabetes + gender) > 0 Then
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "1 or more NOT OPTIMAL risk factors - 26.9%"
        LIFETIMEASCVDRISK = "All OPTIMAL risk factors - 8.2%"
    End If

'nothing happens here

End Function

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator

This is a new calculation that uses the Schofield equation to calculate basal metabolic rate. Here are the references:

Schofield WN. Predicting basal metabolic rate, new standards and review of previous work. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr. 1985;39 Suppl 1:5-41. PMID: 4044297.

Function SCHOFIELDBMR(gender, age, weight)

    If LCase(gender) = "male" Or LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        GoTo Line1
        SCHOFIELDBMR = "error:  gender needs to be Male or Female for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If


    If LCase(gender) = "male" Or LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        GoTo Line2
        SCHOFIELDBMR = "error:  gender needs to be male or female"
    End If
    If age >= 18 And age <= 120 Then
        GoTo Line3
        SCHOFIELDBMR = "error:  age needs to be between 18 and 120 for this calculator"
        GoTo LineZilch
    End If

    If age < 30 And LCase(gender) = "male" Then
        SCHOFIELDBMR = ((0.063 * weight / 2.2) + 2.896) * 240 * 1.3
    ElseIf age < 60 And LCase(gender) = "male" Then
        SCHOFIELDBMR = ((0.048 * weight / 2.2) + 3.653) * 240 * 1.3
    ElseIf age <= 120 And LCase(gender) = "male" Then
        SCHOFIELDBMR = ((0.049 * weight / 2.2) + 2.459) * 240 * 1.3
    ElseIf age < 30 And LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        SCHOFIEDLBMR = ((0.062 * weight / 2.2) + 2.036) * 240 * 1.3
    ElseIf age < 60 And LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        SCHOFIEDLBMR = ((0.034 * weight / 2.2) + 3.538) * 240 * 1.3
    ElseIf age <= 120 And LCase(gender) = "female" Then
        SCHOFIEDLBMR = ((0.038 * weight / 2.2) + 2.755) * 240 * 1.3
    End If

'nothing happens here

End Function

Thanks for reading!