Dutch Primary Care Rule for DVT
Sign or Symptom:
<-- Absence of leg trauma?
<-- Active cancer (treatment within 6 months, or palliation)?
<-- Calf swelling of 3 cm or more compared with the contralateral leg when measured 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity?
<-- Collateral dilation of nonvaricose superficial veins?
<-- Male sex?
<-- Recently bedridden for more than 3 days or major surgery requiring general or regional anesthesia within the previous 12 weeks?
<-- Use of oral contraceptives?
<-- Positive D-dimer result (0.5 mcg per mL or greater or 1.7 mol per L or greater)?
Score: numberscore=(variable_1)+(variable_2)+(variable_3)+(variable_4)+(variable_5)+(variable_6)+(variable_7)+(variable_8) out of 14 points (3 points or less is a negative screen)
Recommendation --> resultscore=(variable_1)+(variable_2)+(variable_3)+(variable_4)+(variable_5)+(variable_6)+(variable_7)+(variable_8);score>2?'Doppler ultrasonography of the affected leg is recommended':'Low risk for DVT, ultrasonography is not indicated'
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