What is the maladaptive or destructive behavior? -->
How long has this behavior been going on? -->
Gender of cat -->
Breed of cat -->
Age of cat -->
Coat pattern -->
Environment for cat -->
Which movie is set in Paris, France --> Please choose.

Recommendation: planscore1=((Math.random()*16).toFixed(0));score1>15?'Do something with double-sided tape or tin foil':score1>14?'Once you settle the emotional component of the issue, the problem may not seem so important':score1>13?'You may want to sit down':score1>12?'Try intermittent fasting':score1>11?'Ask again later':score1>10?'Consider getting additional cats':score1>9?'Positive reinforcement with treats':score1>8?'Withhold all treats':score1>7?'Try a new dry food':score1>6?'Try a new moist food':score1>5?'Check pH of litter':score1>4?'Go back to previous litter':score1>3?'Give the cat more attention':score1>2?'Give the cat less attention':score1>1?'Ignore the problem for now':'This behavior cannot be changed'

Result - Copy and paste this output: