If you're planning space travel beyond our Moon, you'll probably be looking at some cryosleep. During cryosleep, you can work down some of your stored energy while moving across the solar system. This tool will help you plan how much weight to gain for your next mission.
<-- Height in inches
<-- Weight in pounds Note: weight must be measured on Earth
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BMI Calculations
Class --> classscore=(Weight)*(703)/((Height)*(Height));score>59.9999?'Super-super obesity or class V obesity':score>49.9999?'Super-obesity or class IV obesity':score>39.9999?'Extreme obesity or class III obesity':score>34.9999?'Obesity class II':score>29.9999?'Obesity class I':score>24.9999?'Overweight':score>18.4999?'Normal':score>16.4999?'Underweight':'Severely underweight'
BMI –> bmiscore1=score.toFixed(1)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For ADULTS of this height:
Severely underweight (BMI less than 16.5): less than ---score2=((16.5)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Underweight (BMI 16.5 to 18.4): starts at ---score3=((16.5)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Normal (BMI 18.5 to 24.9): starts at ---score4=((18.5)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Overweight (BMI 25 to 29.9): starts at ---score5=((25)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Obesity class I (BMI 30 to 34.9): starts at ---score6=((30)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Obesity class II (BMI 35 to 39.9): starts at ---score7=((35)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Extreme obesity or class III obesity (BMI 40 to 49.9): starts at ---score8=((40)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Super-obesity or class IV obesity (BMI 50 to 59.9): starts at ---score9=((50)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
Super-super obesity or class V obesity (BMI 60 and above): starts at ---score10=((60)*(Height)*(Height)/(703)).toFixed(1) lbs
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Excess Weight -> ---score11=((Weight)-(score5)).toFixed(1) lbs
Maximum days of cryosleep burning pounds of excess weight (fat) per day -> ---score12=(score11)/(metabRate) days
Farthest possible mission --> ---score13=(score11)/(metabRate);score13>4379.9?'Neptune - 4380 days':score13>3467.4?'Pluto - 3467.5 days':score13>3102.4?'Uranus - 3102.5 days':score13>2554.9?'Saturn - 2555 days':score13>2372.4?'Mercury - 2372.5 days - even though it is close, you have to go slower to avoid crashing into the Sun':score13>2189.9?'Jupiter - 2190 days':score13>449.9?'Venus - 450 days':score13>209.9?'Mars - 210 days':score13>2.9?'The Moon - 3 days':score13>0?'Earth Orbit':'Cryosleep might not be a good idea for you until you put on a few more lbs'
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Result - Copy and paste this output: