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Diagnostic Rule for Heart Failure
Feb 18, 2018
Mark Morgan
Diagnostic Rule for Heart Failure
less than 60 (0 points)
60 to 70 (4 points)
70 to 80 (7 points)
greater than 80 (10 points)
<-- Age (in years)
absent (0 points)
present (15 points)
<-- MI, CABG, or PCI
absent (0 points)
present (10 points)
<-- Loop diuretic
absent (0 points)
present (20 points)
<-- Displaced apex beat
absent (0 points)
present (14 points)
<-- Rales basal or more
absent (0 points)
present (11 points)
<-- Irregularly irregular pulse
absent (0 points)
present (10 points)
<-- Heart murmur suggestive of mitral regurgitation
60 or less (0 points)
61 (20.3 points)
62 (20.7 points)
63 (21 points)
64 (21.3 points)
65 (21.7 points)
66 (22 points)
67 (22.3 points)
68 (22.7 points)
69 (23 points)
70 (23.3 points)
71 (23.7 points)
72 (24 points)
73 (24.3 points)
74 (24.7 points)
75 (25 points)
76 (25.3 points)
77 (25.7 points)
78 (26 points)
79 (26.3 points)
80 (26.7 points)
81 (27 points)
82 (27.3 points)
83 (27.7 points)
84 (28 points)
85 (28.3 points)
86 (28.7 points)
87 (29 points)
88 (29.3 points)
89 (29.7 points)
90 (30 points)
91 (30.3 points)
92 (30.7 points)
93 (31 points)
94 (31.3 points)
95 (31.7 points)
96 (32 points)
97 (32.3 points)
98 (32.7 points)
99 (33 points)
100 (33.3 points)
101 (33.7 points)
102 (34 points)
103 (34.3 points)
104 (34.7 points)
105 (35 points)
106 (35.3 points)
107 (35.7 points)
108 (36 points)
109 (36.3 points)
110 (36.7 points)
111 (37 points)
112 (37.3 points)
113 (37.7 points)
114 (38 points)
115 (38.3 points)
116 (38.7 points)
117 (39 points)
118 (39.3 points)
119 (39.7 points)
120 and above (40 points)
<-- Pulse rate (bpm)
absent (0 points)
present (12 points)
<-- Elevated jugular venous pressure
less than 100 (0 points)
100 to 200 (8 points)
200 to 400 (16 points)
400 to 800 (24 points)
800 to 1600 (32 points)
1600 to 3200 (40 points)
greater than 3200 (48 points)
<-- NT-proBNP (pg/mL)
Score -->
Recommendation -->
score2=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8)+(Q9)+(Q10);score2>63?'more than 80 percent probability of heart failure estimated by rule':score2>54?'more than 70 percent probability of heart failure estimated by rule':score2>23.9?'uncertain zone - 20 to 70 percent probability of heart failure estimated by rule':score2>13?'less than 20 percent probability of heart failure estimated by rule':'less than 10 percent probability of heart failure estimated by rule'
display/hide references
Kelder JC, Cramer MJ, van Wijngaarden J, van Tooren R, Mosterd A, Moons KG, Lammers JW, Cowie MR, Grobbee DE, Hoes AW. The diagnostic value of physical examination and additional testing in primary care patients with suspected heart failure. Circulation. 2011 Dec 20;124(25):2865-73.
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