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The Somatic Symptom Scale 8 (SSS-8)
Aug 18, 2017
Mark Morgan
Psychiatry & Psychology
The Somatic Symptom Scale 8
Over the last 7 days, how much have you been bothered by the following:
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Back pain
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Chest Pain or Shortness of Breath
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Dizziness
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Feeling tired or having low energy
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Headaches
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Pain in your arms, legs or joints
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Stomach or bowel problems
Not at all (0 points)
A little bit (1 point)
Somewhat (2 points)
Quite a bit (3 points)
Very much (4 points)
<-- Trouble sleeping
Total Score -->
out of 32
Interpretation -->
score2=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8);score2>15?'Very High':score2>11?'High':score2>7?'Medium':score2>3?'Low':'Minimal'
Somatic Symptom Burden
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Gierk B, Kohlmann S, Kroenke K, Spangenberg L, Zenger M, Brähler E, Löwe B. The somatic symptom scale-8 (SSS-8): a brief measure of somatic symptom burden. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Mar;174(3):399-407.
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