INSTRUCTIONS: Please read the following statements carefully. Each one describes a way that you might (or might not) feel about your drug use. For each statement, circle one number from 1 to 5 to indicate how much you agree or disagree with it right now.

<-- I really want to make changes in my use of drugs.
<-- Sometimes I wonder if I am an addict.
<-- If I don't change my drug use soon, my problems are going to get worse.
<-- I have already started making some changes in my use of drugs.
<-- I was using drugs too much at one time, but I've managed to change that.
<-- Sometimes I wonder if my drug use is hurting other people.
<-- I have a drug problem.
<-- I'm not just thinking about changing my drug use, I'm already doing something about it.
<-- I have already changed my drug use, and I am looking for ways to keep from slipping back to my old pattern.
<-- I have serious problems with drugs.
<-- Sometimes I wonder if I am in control of my drug use.
<-- My drug use is causing a lot of harm.
<-- I am actively doing things now to cut down or stop my use of drugs.
<-- I want help to keep from going back to the drug problems that I had before.
<-- I know that I have a drug problem.
<-- There are times when I wonder if I use drugs too much.
<-- I am a drug addict.
<-- I am working hard to change my drug use.
<-- I have made some changes in my drug use, and I want some help to keep from going back to the way I used before.

Recognition = numberscore1=(Q1)+(Q3)+(Q7)+(Q10)+(Q12)+(Q15)+(Q17) out of 35. Decile (Interpretation) --> Resultscore1a=(Q1)+(Q3)+(Q7)+(Q10)+(Q12)+(Q15)+(Q17);score1a>34?'70 (High)':score1a>33?'60 (Medium)':score1a>31?'50 (Medium)':score1a>30?'40 (Medium)':score1a>28?'30 (Low)':score1a>26?'20 (Low)':'10 (Very Low)'
Ambivalence = numberscore2=(Q2)+(Q6)+(Q11)+(Q16) out of 20. Decile (Interpretation) --> Resultscore2a=(Q2)+(Q6)+(Q11)+(Q16);score2a>18?'90 (Very High)':score2a>17?'80 (High)':score2a>16?'70 (High)':score2a>15?'60 (Medium)':score2a>14?'50 (Medium)':score2a>13?'40 (Medium)':score2a>11?'30 (Low)':score2a>8?'20 (Low)':'10 (Very Low)'
Taking Steps = numberscore3=(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q8)+(Q9)+(Q13)+(Q14)+(Q18)+(Q19) out of 40. Decile (Interpretation) --> Resultscore3a=(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q8)+(Q9)+(Q13)+(Q14)+(Q18)+(Q19);score3a>38?'90 (Very High)':score3a>36?'80 (High)':score3a>35?'70 (High)':score3a>33?'60 (Medium)':score3a>32?'50 (Medium)':score3a>30?'40 (Medium)':score3a>29?'30 (Low)':score3a>25?'20 (Low)':'10 (Very Low)'
display/hide references
reference: Miller, William R., and J. Scott Tonigan. "Assessing drinkers' motivation for change: the Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES)." Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 10.2 (1996): 81.

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