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Buprenorphine Checklist for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
Jun 24, 2017
Mark Morgan
Psychiatry & Psychology
Does the patient have a diagnosis of opioid dependence?
Are there current signs of intoxication or withdrawal?
Is there a risk for severe withdrawal?
Is the patient interested in buprenorphine treatment?
Does the patient understand the risks and benefits of buprenorphine treatment?
Can the patient be expected to adhere to the treatment plan?
Is the patient willing and able to follow safety procedures?
Does the patient agree to treatment after a review of the options?
Can the needed resources for the patient be provided (either on‐ or offsite)?
Is the patient psychiatrically stable?
Is the patient actively suicidal or homicidal?
Has he or she recently attempted suicide or homicide?
Does the patient exhibit emotional, behavioral, or cognitive conditions that complicate treatment?
Is the patient pregnant?
Is the patient currently dependent on or abusing alcohol?
Is the patient currently dependent on benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or other sedative‐hypnotics?
Is the patient at low or average risk for continued use or continued problems?
Does the patient have a history of multiple previous treatments or relapses, or is the patient at high risk for relapse to opioid use?
Is the patient using other drugs?
Has the patient had prior adverse reactions to buprenorphine?
Is the patient taking other medications that may interact with buprenorphine?
Does the patient have medical problems that are contraindications to buprenorphine treatment?
Are there physical illnesses that complicate treatment?
Does the patient have a favorable recovery environment?
Are the patient’s psychosocial circumstances sufficiently stable and supportive?
Does the patient have an average or high level of motivation?
Is the patient's stage of change known and favorable?
display/hide references
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Buprenorphine in the Treatment of Opioid Addiction. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2004.
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