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Features of Foodborne Illnesses
Feb 25, 2017
Mark Morgan
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Features of Foodborne Illnesses:
- choose below -
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
6 hours
8 hours
10 hours
12 hours
16 hours
24 hours
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
8 days
9 days
10 days
11 days
12 days
13 days
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
<-- Time from ingestion to gastrointestinal symptom onset
Possible Foodborne Illnesses:
No time of onset selected
Please choose from list above.
Bacillus cereus (food poisoning)
score1=score1 * 10;score1>100000?'':''
Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis)
score2=score2 * 10;score2>100000?'':''
Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
score3=score3 * 10;score3>100000?'':''
Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning)
score4=score4 * 10;score4>100000?'':''
Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis)
score5=score5 * 10;score5>100000?'':''
Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis)
score6=score6 * 10;score6>100000?'':''
Escherichia coli (traveler's diarrhea)
score7=score7 * 10;score7>100000?'':''
E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis)
score8=score8 * 10;score8>100000?'':''
Hepatitis A
score9=score9 * 10;score9>100000?'':''
Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis)
score10=score10 * 10;score10>100000?'':''
Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea)
score11=score11 * 10;score11>100000?'':''
Salmonella (salmonellosis)
score12=score12 * 10;score12>100000?'':''
Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery)
score13=score13 * 10;score13>100000?'':''
Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning)
score14=score14 * 10;score14>100000?'':''
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
score15=score15 * 10;score15>100000?'':''
Vibrio vulnificus
score16=score16 * 10;score16>100000?'':''
Select Signs and Symptoms:
Abdominal cramps
Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Watery diarrhea
Bloody diarrhea
Severe diarrhea
Stools with blood and mucus
Muscle aches
Muscle weakness
Blurred vision
Double vision
Difficulty swallowing
Dark urine
Possible respiratory failure and death
Kidney failure
Substantial weight loss
Bleeding under the skin
Ulcers requiring surgical removal
Flulike illness in pregnant women. Infection can lead to premature delivery or stillbirth
Bacteremia or meningitis in older adults and immunocompromised patients
Possibly fatal in persons with liver disease or weakened immune systems
None of these
Possible Foodborne Illnesses:
Bacillus cereus (food poisoning)
score1=score1 * 10;score1>100000?'':''
Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis)
score2=score2 * 10;score2>100000?'':''
Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
score3=score3 * 10;score3>100000?'':''
Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning)
score4=score4 * 10;score4>100000?'':''
Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis)
score5=score5 * 10;score5>100000?'':''
Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis)
score6=score6 * 10;score6>100000?'':''
Escherichia coli (traveler's diarrhea)
score7=score7 * 10;score7>100000?'':''
E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis)
score8=score8 * 10;score8>100000?'':''
Hepatitis A
score9=score9 * 10;score9>100000?'':''
Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis)
score10=score10 * 10;score10>100000?'':''
Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea)
score11=score11 * 10;score11>100000?'':''
Salmonella (salmonellosis)
score12=score12 * 10;score12>100000?'':''
Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery)
score13=score13 * 10;score13>100000?'':''
Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning)
score14=score14 * 10;score14>100000?'':''
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
score15=score15 * 10;score15>100000?'':''
Vibrio vulnificus
score16=score16 * 10;score16>100000?'':''
No symptoms selected
Please choose from list above.
- choose below -
12 hours
24 hours
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
8 days
9 days
10 days
2 weeks to 3 months
Remitting and relapsing over weeks to months
<-- Duration
Possible Foodborne Illnesses:
No duration of illness selected
Please choose from list above.
Bacillus cereus (food poisoning)
score1=score1 * 10;score1>100000?'':''
Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis)
score2=score2 * 10;score2>100000?'':''
Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
score3=score3 * 10;score3>100000?'':''
Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning)
score4=score4 * 10;score4>100000?'':''
Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis)
score5=score5 * 10;score5>100000?'':''
Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis)
score6=score6 * 10;score6>100000?'':''
Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis)
score10=score10 * 10;score10>100000?'':''
Escherichia coli (traveler's diarrhea)
score7=score7 * 10;score7>100000?'':''
E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis)
score8=score8 * 10;score8>100000?'':''
Hepatitis A
score9=score9 * 10;score9>100000?'':''
Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea)
score11=score11 * 10;score11>100000?'':''
Salmonella (salmonellosis)
score12=score12 * 10;score12>100000?'':''
Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery)
score13=score13 * 10;score13>100000?'':''
Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning)
score14=score14 * 10;score14>100000?'':''
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
score15=score15 * 10;score15>100000?'':''
Vibrio vulnificus
score16=score16 * 10;score16>100000?'':''
Select Food Sources:
cooked foods that are not reheated after contact with an infected food handler
foods that are made with hand contact and require no additional cooking
improperly canned foods - especially home-canned vegetables
uncooked foods
contaminated raw produce
contaminated water
food or water contaminated with human feces
undercooked beef - especially hamburger
deli meats
undercooked or raw seafood
shellfish from contaminated water
fermented fish
unpasteurized milk
soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk
unpasteurized juice
bakery products - cream-filled pastries/cream pies/chocolate eclairs
potatoes baked in aluminum foil
salads - ham/egg/tuna/chicken/potato/macaroni/etc
None of these
Possible Foodborne Illnesses:
Bacillus cereus (food poisoning)
score1=score1 * 10;score1>100000?'':''
Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis)
score2=score2 * 10;score2>100000?'':''
Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
score3=score3 * 10;score3>100000?'':''
Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning)
score4=score4 * 10;score4>100000?'':''
Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis)
score5=score5 * 10;score5>100000?'':''
Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis)
score6=score6 * 10;score6>100000?'':''
Escherichia coli (traveler's diarrhea)
score7=score7 * 10;score7>100000?'':''
E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis)
score8=score8 * 10;score8>100000?'':''
Hepatitis A
score9=score9 * 10;score9>100000?'':''
Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis)
score10=score10 * 10;score10>100000?'':''
Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea)
score11=score11 * 10;score11>100000?'':''
Salmonella (salmonellosis)
score12=score12 * 10;score12>100000?'':''
Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery)
score13=score13 * 10;score13>100000?'':''
Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning)
score14=score14 * 10;score14>100000?'':''
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
score15=score15 * 10;score15>100000?'':''
Vibrio vulnificus
score16=score16 * 10;score16>100000?'':''
No symptoms selected
Please choose from list above.
score1=score1*1;score1>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Bacillus cereus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score1>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Bacillus cereus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score1>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Bacillus cereus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score1>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Bacillus cereus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':''
score2=score2*1;score2>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis). . . . . . .':score2>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis). . . . . . .':score2>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis). . . . . . .':score2>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Campylobacter jejuni (campylobacteriosis). . . . . . .':''
score3=score3*1;score3>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Clostridium botulinum (botulism). . . . . . .':score3>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Clostridium botulinum (botulism). . . . . . .':score3>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Clostridium botulinum (botulism). . . . . . .':score3>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Clostridium botulinum (botulism). . . . . . .':''
score4=score4*1;score4>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score4>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score4>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score4>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Clostridium perfringens (food poisoning). . . . . . .':''
score5=score5*1;score5>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis). . . . . . .':score5>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis). . . . . . .':score5>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis). . . . . . .':score5>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Cryptosporidium (cryptosporidiosis). . . . . . .':''
score6=score6*1;score6>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis). . . . . . .':score6>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis). . . . . . .':score6>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis). . . . . . .':score6>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Cyclospora cayetanensis (cyclosporiasis). . . . . . .':''
score7=score7*1;score7>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Escherichia coli (traveler diarrhea). . . . . . .':score7>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Escherichia coli (traveler diarrhea). . . . . . .':score7>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Escherichia coli (traveler diarrhea). . . . . . .':score7>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Escherichia coli (traveler diarrhea). . . . . . .':''
score8=score8*1;score8>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis). . . . . . .':score8>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis). . . . . . .':score8>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis). . . . . . .':score8>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with E. coli O157:H7 (Shiga toxin–producing E. coli or hemorrhagic colitis). . . . . . .':''
score9=score9*1;score9>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Hepatitis A. . . . . . .':score9>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Hepatitis A. . . . . . .':score9>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Hepatitis A. . . . . . .':score9>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Hepatitis A. . . . . . .':''
score10=score10*1;score10>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis). . . . . . .':score10>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis). . . . . . .':score10>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis). . . . . . .':score10>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis). . . . . . .':''
score11=score11*1;score11>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea). . . . . . .':score11>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea). . . . . . .':score11>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea). . . . . . .':score11>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Norovirus (food poisoning, viral gastroenteritis, winter diarrhea). . . . . . .':''
score12=score12*1;score12>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Salmonella (salmonellosis). . . . . . .':score12>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Salmonella (salmonellosis). . . . . . .':score12>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Salmonella (salmonellosis). . . . . . .':score12>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Salmonella (salmonellosis). . . . . . .':''
score13=score13*1;score13>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery). . . . . . .':score13>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery). . . . . . .':score13>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery). . . . . . .':score13>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Shigella (shigellosis or bacillary dysentery). . . . . . .':''
score14=score14*1;score14>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score14>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score14>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':score14>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning). . . . . . .':''
score15=score15*1;score15>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. . . . . . .':score15>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. . . . . . .':score15>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. . . . . . .':score15>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. . . . . . .':''
score16=score16*1;score16>1000?'4 out of 4 features consistent with Vibrio vulnificus. . . . . . .':score16>100?'3 out 4 features consistent with Vibrio vulnificus. . . . . . .':score16>10?'2 out of 4 features consistent with Vibrio vulnificus. . . . . . .':score16>1?'1 out of 4 features consistent with Vibrio vulnificus. . . . . . .':''
References (Hide/Show)
Adapted from U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Foodborne illnesses: what you need to know.
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