I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Whoever is the closest wins.
Choose the number of players, have them pick their numbers, then click 'Submit' below.score=(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1);score>10?'':''
<-- How many people are playing?

<-- Player 1's name optional
<-- Player 1's number
Player 1 --> resultscore1p=(score) - (player1pick);score1p>8?'Went under by 9':score1p>7?'Went under by 8':score1p>6?'Went under by 7':score1p>5?'Went under by 6':score1p>4?'Went under by 5':score1p>3?'Went under by 4':score1p>2?'Went under by 3':score1p>1?'Went under by 2':score1p>0?'Went under by 1':score1p>-1?'Picked the number':score1p>-2?'Went over by 1':score1p>-3?'Went over by 2':score1p>-3?'Went over by 3':score1p>-4?'Went over by 4':score1p>-5?'Went over by 5':score1p>-6?'Went over by 6':score1p>-7?'Went over by 7':score1p>-8?'Went over by 8':'Went over by 9'

The number I was thinking of was --> result will show belowscore3=(score) + 0

Result - Copy and paste this output: