Cervical Cancer Screening Tool
<-- Purpose
<-- Age

Recommendation --> suggestionscore2=(Qage);score2>4999?'Begin screening with Pap Test at age 21':score2>2999?'Pap Test every 3 years is recommended':score2>999?'Co-testing with Pap Test and HPV Testing every 5 years is recommended':score2>200?'Inadequate prior screening with risk factors - Continued screening is recommended':score2>199?'Inadequate prior screening with no risk factors - Continued screening is recommended':score2>100?'Inadequate prior screening with risk factors - Continued screening is recommended':score2>99?'Inadequate prior screening with no risk factors - Continued screening is recommended':score2>0?'Adequate prior screening with risk factors - Continued screening is recommended':'Adequate prior screening with no risk factors - Consider discontinuation of screening'

References (Hide/Show)Saslow D et al. American Cancer Society, American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, and American Society for Clinical Pathology screening guidelines for the prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2012 Jul;16(3):175-204.

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