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Musculoskeletal Exams
Sep 4, 2016
Mark Morgan
Musculoskeletal & Rheumatology
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Knee Pain
General Appearance: no acute distress
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Neck: Range of motion with normal flexion, extension, right rotation, and left rotation. There is no palpable paraspinal muscle spasm.
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Upper extremity muscle strength is normal bilaterally. Sensation is normal bilaterally. Reflexes: normal and symmetric at biceps, triceps, brachioradialis
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C spine x-ray: normal, without loss of cervical lordosis, no degenerative changes
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General Appearance: No distress. Patient able to ambulate well. Gait is not antalgic.
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Straight leg raising negative bilaterally for radicular symptoms.
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Sensory exam in the legs is normal.
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Knee reflexes are normal and symmetric.
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Ankle reflexes are normal and symmetric
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Strength is normal and symmetric.
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No paraspinal muscle spasm. There is no midline tenderness. ROM of spine with normal flexion, extension, lateral range of motion to the right and left, and rotation to the right and left.
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General Appearance: no acute distress
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Neck: Range of motion with normal flexion, extension, right rotation, and left rotation. There is no palpable paraspinal muscle spasm.
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Shoulder: Symmetrical bilaterally, FROM flex/ex/IR/ER/abduction/adduction, No erythema or edema, Nontender to palpation, Negative: Hawkins, Neers, Yergusons, Speeds, empty can, 5/5 strength biceps/triceps/grip, Radial pulse full. Cap refill <2 seconds, Sensory intact to light touch distally.
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Knee: Normal joint contours. No effusion. Normal range of motion. Normal strength on extension and flexion against resistance. No joint line pain medially or laterally. McMurray negative for crepitus and pain medially and laterally. There is no swelling or pain over the pes anserine bursa. Collateral ligament testing shows no laxity or pain. Anterior drawer test and Lachman shows no anterior cruciate laxity. Posterior drawer negative for laxity as well. No popliteal mass or palpable tenderness.
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