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Generalized Anxiety Disorder – GAD 7 – Calculator
Sep 4, 2016
Mark Morgan
Psychiatry & Psychology
GAD-7 Calculator
Generalized Anxiety Disorder diagnosis tool.
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge (over the last two weeks)?
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Being unable to stop or control worrying (over the last two weeks)?
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Worrying too much about different things (over the last two weeks)?
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Having trouble relaxing (over the last two weeks)?
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Being so restless that it is hard to sit still (over the last two weeks)?
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Becoming easily annoyed or irritable (over the last two weeks)?
Not at all (0 points)
Several days (1 points)
More than half the days (2 points)
Nearly everyday (3 points)
<-- Feeling afraid, as if something awful might happen (over the last two weeks)?
Score -->
out of 21 points
Interpretation -->
score=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7);score>8?'suggestive of anxiety or panic disorder':score>0?'mild symptoms':'asymptomatic'
display/hide references
Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JB, Löwe B. Arch Intern Med. 2006 May 22;166(10):1092-7. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7
Am Fam Physician. 2008 Aug 15;78(4):501-502
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