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Functional Activities Questionnaire – FAQ
Jan 11, 2015
Mark Morgan
Geriatrics & Longevity
Functional Activities Questionnaire - FAQ
INSTRUCTION: Ask informant to rate patient’s ability to perform the following activities
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Writing checks, paying bills, balancing checkbook
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Assembling tax records, business affairs, or papers
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Shopping alone for clothes, household necessities, or groceries
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Playing a game of skill, working on a hobby
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Heating water, making a cup of coffee, turning off stove after use
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Preparing a balanced meal
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Keeping track of current events
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Paying attention to, understanding, discussing TV, book, magazine
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Remembering appointments, family occasions, holidays, medications
Dependent (3 points)
Requires assistance (2 points)
Has difficulty but does by self (1 point)
Normal (0 points)
Never did the activity but could do now (0 points)
Never did the activity and would have difficulty now (1 point)
<-- Traveling out of neighborhood, driving, arranging to take buses
/ 30
score2=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8)+(Q9)+(Q10);score2>5?'Significant impaired function and possible cognitive impairment are present - further evaluation is recommended':score2>0?'Some impaired function and mild cognitive impairment may be present - further evaluation is recommended':'No impaired function'
display/hide references
Pfeffer RI, Kurosaki TT, Harrah CH Jr, Chance JM, Filos S. Measurement of functional activities in older adults in the community. J Gerontol. 1982 May;37(3):323-9.
Teng E, Becker BW, Woo E, Knopman DS, Cummings JL, Lu PH. Utility of the Functional Activities Questionnaire for Distinguishing Mild Cognitive Impairment from Very Mild Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders 2010;24(4):348-353.
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