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The Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview
Oct 5, 2014
Mark Morgan
Geriatrics & Longevity
The Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<-- Do you feel that you don't have enough time for yourself because of the time you spend with the person for whom you are providing care?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel stressed between caring for this person and trying to meet other responsibilities (work, family)?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel angry when you are around this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel that this person currently affects your relationships with family members or friends in a negative way?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel strained when you are around this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel that your health has suffered because of your involvement with this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel that you don't have as much privacy as you would like because of this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel that your social life has suffered because you are caring for this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel that you have lost control of your life since this person's illness began?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel uncertain about what to do about this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel you should be doing more for this person?
Never (0 points)
Rarely (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Quite Frequently (3 points)
Nearly Always (4 points)
<--Do you feel you could do a better job in caring for this person?
Total Score -->
/ 48 (higher scores correlate with higher levels of burden)
display/hide references
Bédard M, Molloy DW, Squire L, Dubois S, Lever JA, O'Donnell M. The Zarit Burden Interview: a new short version and screening version. Gerontologist. 2001;41(5):657.
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