Adapted Centor Score for Streptococcal Pharyngitis
<-- History of or measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 F
<-- Presence of coughing
<-- Tender anterior cervical nodes
<-- Tonsillar swelling or exudates
<-- Age
Score --> scorescore1=(Q1Fever)+(Q2Cough)+(Q3Nodes)+(Q4Tonsil)+(Q5Age)
Result –-> interpretationscore2=(Q1Fever)+(Q2Cough)+(Q3Nodes)+(Q4Tonsil)+(Q5Age);score2>3?'55% Strep throat - Antibiotic therapy recommended':score2>1?'29% Strep throat - Rapid test or delayed prescription recommended':'12% Strep throat - Symptomatic therapy only is recommended'
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