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Physical Functional Ability (FAQ5) Score
Aug 22, 2014
Mark Morgan
Geriatrics & Longevity
Physical Functional Ability (FAQ5) Score
1. Require total care: for bathing, toilet, dressing, moving and eating
2. Require frequent assistance
3. Require occasional assistance
4. Independent with self-care
<--Self-care ability assessment
1. Unable to perform any: chores, hobbies, driving, sex and social activities
2. Able to perform some
3. Able to perform many
4. Able to perform all
<-- Family and social ability assessment
1. Able to get up and walk with assistance, unable to climb stairs
2. Able to get up and walk independently, able to climb one flight of stairs
3. Able to walk short distances and climb more than one flight of stairs
4. Able to walk long distances and climb stairs without difficulty
<-- Movement ability assessment
1. Able to lift up to 10 lbs. occasionally
2. Able to lift up to 20 lbs. occasionally
3. Able to lift up to 50 lbs. occasionally
4. Able to lift over 50 lbs. occasionally
<-- Lifting ability assessment
1. Unable to do any work
2. Able to work part-time and with physical limitations
3. Able to work part-time or with physical limitations
4. Able to perform normal work
<-- Work ability assessment
Physical Functional Ability (FAQ5) Score -->
/ 100
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Peter S Marshall MD MPH - Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) Chronic Pain Guideline
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