Predictive Model for the Risk of Delirium in Hospitalized Older Patients
<-- Cognitive impairment (inability to think, concentrate, reason, remember, formulate ideas)
<-- Elevated blood urea nitrogen/serum creatinine ratio (greater than 18)
<-- Severe illness (APACHE score greater than 16, or nurse rating of severe)
<-- Vision impairment (corrected near vision worse than 20/70 in both eyes)

Score --> numberscore1=(cog)+(bun)+(ill)+(eye) points
Interpretation --> resultscore2=(cog)+(bun)+(ill)+(eye);score2>2?'high risk, 80 percent chance of developing delirium':score2>0?'intermediate risk, 25 percent chance of developing delirium':'low risk, 10 percent chance of developing delirium'
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