Singh Risk Score for Angioplasty Complications
<-- Age (years)
<-- Preprocedural shock (5 points)
<-- Left main coronary artery lesion (5 points)
<-- Renal disease (3 points)
<-- Nonelective procedure (2 points)
<-- Multivessel disease (2 points)
<-- New York Heart Association class 3 or 4 heart failure (2 points)
<-- Intracoronary thrombus (2 points)
Score --> numberscore1=(age)+(shock)+(lma)+(renal)+(nonelect)+(multi)+(nyha)+(thromb)
Interpretation --> resultscore2=(age)+(shock)+(lma)+(renal)+(nonelect)+(multi)+(nyha)+(thromb);score2>14?'Very high risk, more than 25 percent':score2>11?'High risk, more than 10 to 25 percent':score2>8?'Moderate risk, more than 5 to 10 percent':score2>5?'Low risk, more than 2 to 5 percent':'Very low risk, less than or equal to 2 percent'
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