Polymyalgia Rheumatica Diagnostic Criteria - Chuang
<-- Age 50 years or older
<-- Bilateral aching and stiffness for one month or more
Aching/Stiffness: To meet criteria, 2 of the following 3 areas below must have aching/stiffness
<-- Aching/stiffness involves neck or torso
<-- Aching/stiffness involves shoulders or proximal regions of the arms
<-- Aching/stiffness involves hips or proximal aspects of the thighs
<-- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) > 40 mm/hour
<-- Exclusion of all other diagnoses except giant cell arteritis
Interpretation --> Interpretationscore=(age)+(aching)+(neck)+(shoulders)+(hips)+(esr)+(excluded);score>4.9?'Meets criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica':'Does not meet criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica'
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