Patient complains of
Patient had UTI in the past.
Pertinent symptoms:
<-- symptoms > 7 days duration
<-- shaking chills
<-- flank pain
<-- temp > 101
<-- nausea
<-- vomiting
<-- abdominal pain
<-- change in vaginal discharge or odor
<-- painful intercourse
Pertinent risk factors:
<-- pyelonephritis within the last 3 months
<-- diabetes
<-- pregnancy, LMP
<-- immunosuppression
<-- kidney stones
<-- kidney failure
<-- catheterization within the last 2 weeks
<-- hospitalization or nursing home residency within the last 2 weeks
<-- 4 or more UTIs within the last 12 months
<-- failure of antibiotic failure for a UTI in the last 4 weeks

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