Fleisher-Eagle Algorithm for Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment
<-- Ischemic heart disease (angina or prior MI)?
<-- Heart failure?
<-- High-risk surgery (including intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, and suprainguinal vascular procedures)?
<-- Diabetes mellitus (especially insulin-requiring)?
<-- Renal insufficiency?
<-- Poor functional status (defined as the inability to walk four blocks or climb two flights of stairs)?

Interpretation: score interpretationscore=(ischemic)+(chf)+(riskysurg)+(diabetes)+(renal)+(poorfunc)+(coronary); score>2?'Noninvasive testing should be performed, followed by cardiac catheterization if the results are positive.':score>0?'Perioperative beta blocker therapy may be recommended - see updated 2014 ACC/AHA perioperative guidelines - but no further testing is recommended.':'No further testing or treatment recommended.'
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