National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale
1a. Assess Level of Consciousness (Alert=0, Coma=3)

1b. Assess Orientation: Month, Age (1 point per bad answer)

1c. Follow Commands: Open and close eyes, make fist and release (1 point per command NOT obeyed)

2. Follow my finger (Normal=0, Forced deviation=2)

3. Visual field (Normal=0, hemianopia=2, bilateral loss=3)

4. Facial palsy: Show teeth, Raise eyebrows, Squeeze eyes shut (Normal=0, Complete=3)

5a. Motor Strength Left Arm: Elevate to 90 degrees

5b. Motor Strength Right Arm: Elevate to 90 degrees

6a. Motor Strength Left Leg: Elevate to 30 degrees

6b. Motor Strength Right Leg: Elevate to 30 degrees

7. Coordination or limb ataxia: Finger-nose-finger, Heel-knee-shin (Absent=0, both limbs=2)

8. Sensory: Pin prick to face, arm, trunk, and legs, Compare sides (Normal=0, Severe loss=2)

9. Language: Name items, Describe picture, Read sentences (No Aphasia=0, Mute=3)

10. Dysarthria: Speech clarity while reading word list (Normal=0, Nearly unintelligible=2)

11. Extinction and Inattention: Formerly called 'Neglect' (None=0, Complete=2)

Total score: score(conscious)+(orientation)+(commands)+(finger)+(visual)+(face)+(left_arm)+(right_arm)+(left_leg)+(right_leg)+(ataxia)+(sensory)+(language)+(dysarthria)+(extinction) (maximum=42)
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