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National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale
Feb 4, 2013
Mark Morgan
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale
1a. Assess Level of Consciousness (Alert=0, Coma=3)
Alert (0 points)
Not Alert; arousable by minor stimulation (1 point)
Not alert; requires repeated stimulation to attend (2 points)
Not responsive or reflexive posturing only (3 points)
1b. Assess Orientation: Month, Age (1 point per bad answer)
Answers both questions correctly (0 points)
Answers one question correctly (1 point)
Answers neither question correctly (2 points)
1c. Follow Commands: Open and close eyes, make fist and release (1 point per command NOT obeyed)
Performs both tasks correctly (0 points)
Performs one task correctly (1 point)
Performs neither task correctly (2 points)
2. Follow my finger (Normal=0, Forced deviation=2)
Normal (0 points)
Partial gaze palsy (1 point)
Forced deviation (2 points)
3. Visual field (Normal=0, hemianopia=2, bilateral loss=3)
No visual loss (0 points)
Partial hemianopia (1 point)
Complete hemianopia (2 points)
Bilateral loss (3 points)
4. Facial palsy: Show teeth, Raise eyebrows, Squeeze eyes shut (Normal=0, Complete=3)
Normal (0 points)
Minor paralysis (1 point)
Partial paralysis (2 points)
Complete paralysis (3 points)
5a. Motor Strength Left Arm: Elevate to 90 degrees
No drift (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Amputation or joint fusion (0 points)
5b. Motor Strength Right Arm: Elevate to 90 degrees
No drift (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Amputation or joint fusion (0 points)
6a. Motor Strength Left Leg: Elevate to 30 degrees
No drift (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Amputation or joint fusion (0 points)
6b. Motor Strength Right Leg: Elevate to 30 degrees
No drift (0 points)
Drift (1 point)
Some effort against gravity (2 points)
No effort against gravity (3 points)
No movement (4 points)
Amputation or joint fusion (0 points)
7. Coordination or limb ataxia: Finger-nose-finger, Heel-knee-shin (Absent=0, both limbs=2)
Absent (0 points)
Ataxia in one limb (1 point)
Ataxia in two limbs (2 points)
8. Sensory: Pin prick to face, arm, trunk, and legs, Compare sides (Normal=0, Severe loss=2)
Normal (0 points)
Mild to moderate loss (1 point)
Severe to total loss (2 points)
9. Language: Name items, Describe picture, Read sentences (No Aphasia=0, Mute=3)
No aphasia (0 points)
Mild to moderate aphasia (1 point)
Severe aphasia (2 points)
Mute, global aphasia (3 points)
10. Dysarthria: Speech clarity while reading word list (Normal=0, Nearly unintelligible=2)
Normal (0 points)
Mild to moderate dysarthria (1 point)
Severe dysarthria (2 points)
Intubated or physical barrier (0 points)
11. Extinction and Inattention: Formerly called 'Neglect' (None=0, Complete=2)
No abnormality (0 points)
Visual, tactile, auditory, spatial, or personal inattention in one sensory modality (1 point)
Profound hemi-inattention or extinction to more than one modality (2 points)
Total score:
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Adams (2007) Stroke. 38:1655
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