This tool can be used to rule out pulmonary embolism if the pre-test probability of PE is low. A Wells PE Score of 1 or 0 is one way to meet this requirement (1.3% probability). Wells PE Score calculator
Findings: (All answers must be 'True' to Rule out PE)
<-- Age < 50?
<-- HR < 100?
<-- O2 Sat on Room Air >94%?
<-- No Prior History of DVT/PE?
<-- No Recent Trauma or Surgery?
<-- No Hemoptysis?
<-- No Exogenous Estrogen?
<-- No Clinical Signs Suggesting DVT?
Score --> scorescore=(age)+(HR)+(O2)+(prior)+(trauma)+(hemoptysis)+(estrogen)+(dvt)
Interpretation: Interpretationscore=(age)+(HR)+(O2)+(prior)+(trauma)+(hemoptysis)+(estrogen)+(dvt);score>7?'1.8% chance of pulmonary embolism *if* pretest probability was low (Wells PE score of 1 or less)':'Pulmonary embolism is not ruled out'
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