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Hearing Handicap Inventory
Mar 24, 2012
Mark Morgan
Allergy & Otolaryngology
Hearing Handicap Inventory - Decision tool to assess impact of hearing loss.
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Embarrassed when meeting new people due to hearing problem
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Frustrated when speaking to family due to hearing problem
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Difficulty hearing whispered voice
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Feel impaired by hearing problem
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Hearing interferes with visiting with family and friends
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Attends religious services less often due to hearing problems
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Hearing problem result in arguments with family
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Hearing problem interferes with listening to television and radio
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Hearing problem interferes with social life
Yes: 4 points
Sometimes: 2 points
No: 0 points
<-- Hearing problem interferes with communication in a restaurant
Score -->
out of 40 points
Interpretation -->
score=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8)+(Q9)+(Q10);score>25?'Severe hearing handicap likelihood (refer)':score>9?'Moderate hearing hadicap likelihood (refer)':'Low hearing handicap likelihood'
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Ventry (1983) ASHA 25(7): 37-42
Family Practice Notebook Page
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