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Bode Index for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Prognosis
Mar 12, 2012
Mark Morgan
BODE Index for COPD Prognosis
The body-mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise capacity (BODE) index in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
More than 64% (0 points)
50-64% (1 point)
36-49% (2 points)
Less than 36% (3 points)
<-- FEV1
Walks >349 meters (0 points)
Walks 250-349 meters (1 point)
Walks 150-249 meters (2 points)
Walks <150 meters (3 points)
<-- Six-Minute Walk Test
more on the Six-Minute Walk Test
Grade 0 (0 points)
Grade 1 (0 points)
Grade 2 (1 point)
Grade 3 (2 points)
Grade 4 (3 points)
Grade 5 (3 points)
<-- Dyspnea Index
Grade 0: No dyspnea
Grade 1: Not bothered by dyspnea, except during strenuous activity
Grade 2: Shortness of breath when walking up a short hill
Grade 3: Walks more slowly than others because of breathlessness; stops to catch breath when walking at own pace
Grade 4: Stops to catch breath after walking 100 m (328 ft) on level ground
Grade 5: Too short of breath to leave the house; breathless with activities of daily living, such as dressing and undressing
more on Dyspnea Index
More than 21 (0 points)
21 or less (1 point)
<-- BMI
Score -->
out of 10
Higher scores indicate a greater risk of death.
display/hide references
Celli (2004) N Engl J Med 350(10): 1005-1012.
Fletcher (1959) Br Med J 2:257-66.
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