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Subclinical Hyperthyroidism Calculator
Feb 24, 2012
Mark Morgan
Endocrine, Nutrition & Obesity
Subclinical Hyperthyroidism Calculator
Summary: How to proceed once you've detected a low TSH level.[/html]
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is LOW.
Obtain Free Triiodothyronine (T3) and Free Thyroxine (T4) levels <--
choose below...
T3 and T4 levels are both normal
free T3 is high and free T4 is normal
both T3 and T4 are high
Obtain radioactive iodine thyroid scan and uptake test <--
choose below...
Increased or normal uptake - localized distribution
Increased or normal uptake - diffuse distribution
Decreased uptake
Get thyroglobulin level <--
choose below...
Thyroglobulin level increased
Thyroglobulin level decreased
DIAGNOSIS --> T3 thyrotoxicosis.
RECOMMENDATION --> TSH, T3, and T4 should be rechecked after 2 to 4 months - to assess if low TSH has persisted and also whether T3 and T4 have become overtly elevated.
DIAGNOSIS --> overt hyperthyroidism.
DIAGNOSIS --> subclinical hyperthyroidism - toxic nodular or multinodular goiter.
RECOMMENDATION --> TSH, T3, and T4 should be rechecked after 2 to 4 months - to assess if low TSH has persisted and also whether T3 and T4 have become overtly elevated.
DIAGNOSIS --> subclinical hyperthyroidism - Graves disease.
RECOMMENDATION --> TSH, T3, and T4 should be rechecked after 2 to 4 months - to assess if low TSH has persisted and also whether T3 and T4 have become overtly elevated.
DIAGNOSIS --> subclinical hyperthyroidism - subacute thyroiditis.
RECOMMENDATION --> TSH, T3, and T4 should be rechecked after 2 to 4 months - to assess if low TSH has persisted and also whether T3 and T4 have become overtly elevated.
DIAGNOSIS --> exogenous thyroid hormone.
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Am Fam Physician. 2011 Apr 15;83(8):933-938.
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