Weight Management Checklist
The Obesity Management Checklist is intended to be used in serial fashion to support and encourage weight loss in obese adults and children.
Weight Loss Checklist

<-- 1. Do you eat fast food, such as hamburgers or french fries, more than once per week?
Frequently consuming fast food is associated with higher daily energy intake and higher BMI among adults. Children who consume fast food have poorer quality diets and higher energy intakes compared with those who do not.

<-- 2. Do you drink more than one glass of fruit juice, fruit drink, nondiet soft drink, or energy drink per day?
Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages contributes to weight gain among children and adults.

<-- 3. Do you eat a nutritionally balanced breakfast soon after awakening?
Skipping breakfast is ineffective for controlling weight. Eating breakfast regularly is associated with a lower BMI.

<-- 4. Do you watch television, play video games, or use a computer (other than for schoolwork) for more than 2 hours/day?

<-- 5. Do you engage in at least 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day?
Exercise, particularly in combination with dietary changes, is effective in promoting weight loss among adults. School-based programs that include promotion of physical activity are effective in preventing obesity among children.

<-- 6. Do you reward yourself with food for good behavior or, for example, after “a hard day” on a regular basis?
Using food as a reward or for comfort contributes to weight gain.

Interpretation --> Resultscore2=(Q1b)+(Q2b)+(Q3b)+(Q4b)+(Q5b)+(Q6b);score2>0?'There are opportunities to improve your health':'Excellent. Keep up the great work!'

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