Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (UNOS) Calculation
This calculator provides the initial MELD score for patients with cirrhosis. See also MELD-Na score for subsequent testing (includes sodium) See also Child-Pugh Liver Failure Prognosis Calculator
<-- Bilirubin units are mg/dL
<-- Serum Creatinine units are mg/dL
<-- INR
<-- Has the patient had dialysis at least twice within the last week?
3-month mortality for hospitalized patients: Mortality Rate (percentage)score=6.431+(3.78*Math.log((1)))+(11.2 * Math.log((1)))+(9.57*Math.log((1)))+(9.57*(dialysis)*Math.log((1)))+(-13.267*(dialysis));score>39.5?'71.3%':score>29.5?'52.6%':score>19.5?'19.6%':score>9.5?'6.0%':'1.9%'
Based on a MELD score of scorescore1=score.toFixed(0)

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#1 United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) allocation page
#2 Wiesner (2003) Gastroenterology 124: 91-96
#3 UNOS documentation

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