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Dietary Fiber Assessment/Plan
Mar 20, 2011
Mark Morgan
Assessment & Plan
***constipation/irritable bowel syndrome/diverticulosis/hemorrhoids/obesity/hypercholesterolemia***
Discussed benefits of increasing fiber.
-the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommendation for dietary fiber is 14 g fiber/1,000 kcal
Discussed alternatives to high carbohydrate and fat snack foods. Specifically recommended increasing fresh fruit and vegetable intake to at least 5 servings per day.
Recommended high fiber cereals such as Kashi Go Lean, General Mills Fiber One, Kelloggs All Bran, or similar.
Cereals usually much less expensive than fiber supplements.
While increasing fiber intake, reminded patient to ensure water intake is adequate (at least 1.5 Liters/day)
Show the Famous Mary Jo High Fiber Snack Mix Recipe
Mary Jo's Delicious HIGH FIBER Snack Mix
- 1 cup General Mills Fiber One (or similar)
- 1/4 cup very coarsely chopped roasted almonds (and/or other nuts)
- 1/4 cup raisins (or dates)
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