Summary: This calculator is intended to help guide evaluation for dyspepsia and guide the workup once that diagnosis is established.
Rome III Diagnostic Criteria
<-- Bothersome postprandial fullness
<-- Early satiation
<-- Epigastric pain
<-- Epigastric burning
<-- No evidence of structural disease (including at upper endoscopy) that is likely to explain the symptoms*
<-- Onset at least 6 months ago*
<-- Symptoms present for the last 3 months*
*=required elements
Risk Factors
<-- Age > 55 years
<-- Unintended weight loss
<-- Progressive dysphagia
<-- Persistent vomiting
<-- Evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding
<-- Family history of cancer
Interpretation --> Interpretationscore=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8)+(Q9)+(Q10)+(Q11)+(Q12)+(Q13);score>630?'Functional dyspepsia with six serious risk factors. Perform endoscopy and treat accordingly. ':score>599?'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Serious condition may exist. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. ':score>530?'Functional dyspepsia with five serious risk factors. Perform endoscopy and treat accordingly. ':score>499?'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Serious condition may exist. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. ':score>430?'Functional dyspepsia with four serious risk factors. Perform endoscopy and treat accordingly. ':score>399?'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Serious condition may exist. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. ':score>330?'Functional dyspepsia with three serious risk factors. Perform endoscopy and treat accordingly. ':score>299?'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Serious condition may exist. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. ':score>230?'Functional dyspepsia with two serious risk factors. Perform endoscopy and treat accordingly. ':score>199?'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Serious condition may exist. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. ':score>130?'Functional dyspepsia with serious risk factor. Perform endoscopy and treat accordingly. ':score>99?'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Serious condition may exist. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. ':score>30?'Functional dyspepsia without risk factors. Test for H. pylori and treat accordingly. If negative, consider trial of antisecretory therapy. ':'Rome III Criteria for functional dyspepsia not met. Evaluate for other diagnoses with history and physical clues. '
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