Male genitourinary symptoms history
Onset prior to evaluation
Onset while:

Associated Pain (0=none, 10=severe)
Severity now (0-10):
Severity at worst (0-10):
Characterized as: .

Pain modifiers
Relieved with
Worse with

Specific Genitourinary Symptoms:
<-- Penile Discharge
<-- Dysuria
<-- Frequency
<-- Hematuria
<-- Hematospermia
<-- Urinary obstruction (last urinated )

Associated Symptoms:
<-- decreased appetite (last ate at )
<-- nausea
<-- vomiting
<-- diarrhea
<-- constipation (last stool at )
<-- black or bloody stool
<-- fever

Pertinent PMH
<-- STD
<-- Epididymitis
<-- Prostatitis
<-- BPH
<-- Prostate Cancer
<-- Kidney stones
<-- Urinary tract infections
<-- Diverticulitis

Pertinent Past Surgeries:
<-- Appendectomy
<-- TURP
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