Onset prior to evaluation
Onset while

Now it is of severity at the time of this evaluation.
At it worst it is of severity.

The dyspnea is relieved with
<-- worse lying flat
<-- exertional
<-- worse with coughing

<-- cough productive of sputum
<-- wheezing
<-- chest pain
<-- palpitations
<-- fever
<-- diaphoresis

Pertinent PMH:
<-- COPD
<-- Asthma.
<-- CHF
<-- Coronary Disease
<-- Prior Intubations
Tobacco use:

Pertinent Medications:
Albuterol recent use up to every and was last used
Steroid inhaler:
Oral steroids last used:

<-- Pneumothorax history or risk
<-- Pneumonia history or risk
<-- unilateral leg swelling
<-- recent prolonged travel, recent trauma, hypercoagulable state, hormonal therapy
<-- anxiety related symptoms such as panic, dizziness, or finger paresthesias.
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