UKPDS Cardiac Risk in Diabetes Estimation
<-- Gender
<-- Age
<-- Diabetes duration
<-- Smoking status
<-- Hemoglobin A1c
<-- Systolic blood pressure
<-- Total cholesterol/HDL
<-- Urine microalbumin
Score --> numberscore1F=(AgeF)+(DMdur)+(Smoke)+(A1c)+(SBP)+(Cholesterol)+(Urine) points
Interpretation --> percentscore2F=(AgeF)+(DMdur)+(Smoke)+(A1c)+(SBP)+(Cholesterol)+(Urine);score2F>31?'High - Above 30%':score2F>17?'Elevated - 15 to 30%':'Average - Less than 15%' Probability of having Coronary Heart Disease in the next 10 years

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