Mini Cog The Mini Cog is a very easy, 2 question dementia screening tool. If you have less time, you could just have them draw the clock.
Step 1: Ask the patient to repeat 3 unrelated words such as “ball,” “dog,” and “television.”
Step 2: Ask the patient to draw a simple clock set to 10 minutes after eleven o’clock (11:10). A correct response is drawing the a circle with the numbers in approximately the right positions and hands pointing to 11 and 2.
<-- Was the clock drawn correctly? (circle with numbers in place, hands at 11 and 2)?
Step 3: Ask the patient to recall the three words.
<-- How many words were recalled correctly?
Score: xscore=(step2)+(step3)/5 Interpretation: Interpretationscore=(step2)+(step3); score>2?'Negative screen for dementia':'Positive screen for dementia/further evaluation is warranted'
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