Geriatric Depression Scale A screening tool for depression in the elderly...
Findings: All findings are weighted 1 point -- total possible score is 15.
<-- Are you basically satisfied with your life?
<-- Have you dropped many of your activities and interests?
<-- Do you feel that your life is empty?
<-- Do you often get bored?
<-- Are you in good spirits most of the time?
<-- Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you?
<-- Do you feel happy most of the time?
<-- Do you often feel helpless?
<-- Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things?
<-- Do you feel that you have more problems with memory than most people?
<-- Do you think that it is wonderful to be alive now?
<-- Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now?
<-- Do you feel full of energy?
<-- Do you feel that your situation is hopeless?
<-- Do you think that most people are better off than you are?
Score: xscore=(satisfied)+(dropped)+(empty)+(bored)+(spirits)+(afraid)+(happy)+(helpless)+(home)+(memory)+(alive)+(worthless)+(energy)+(hopeless)+(better)/15 Interpretation: Interpretationscore=(satisfied)+(dropped)+(empty)+(bored)+(spirits)+(afraid)+(happy)+(helpless)+(home)+(memory)+(alive)+(worthless)+(energy)+(hopeless)+(better);score>10?'Very likely depression':score>5?'Possible depression':'Depression unlikely'
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