Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia A screening tool for co-morbid depression in dementia patients
<-- 1. Mood-Related Signs: Anxiety (anxious expression, ruminations, worrying)
<-- 2. Mood-Related Signs: Sadness (sad expression, sad voice, tearfulness)
<-- 3. Mood-Related Signs: Lack of reactivity to pleasant events
<-- 4. Mood-Related Signs: Irritability (easily annoyed, short tempered)
<-- 5. Behavioral Disturbance: Agitation (restlessness, handwringing, hair pulling)
<-- 6. Behavioral Disturbance: Retardation (slow movement, slow speech, slow reactions)
<-- 7. Behavioral Disturbance: Multiple physical complaints (score 0 if GI symptoms only)
<-- 8. Behavioral Disturbance: Loss of interest (less involved in usual activities; score only if change occurred acutely, i.e., in less than one month)
<-- 9. Physical Signs: Appetite loss (eating less than usual)
<-- 10. Physical Signs: Weight Loss (score 2 if greater than 5 lb in one month)
<-- 11. Physical Signs: Lack of energy (fatigues easily, unable to sustain activities; score only if change occurred acutely, i.e.,in less than one month)
<-- 12. Cyclic Functions: Diurnal variation of mood symptoms worse in the morning
<-- 13. Cyclic Functions: Difficulty falling asleep later than usual for this individual
<-- 14. Cyclic Functions: Multiple awakenings during sleep
<-- 15. Cyclic Functions: Early morning awakening earlier than usual for this individual
<-- 16. Ideational Disturbance: Suicide (feels life is not work living, has suicidal wishes, or makes suicide attempt)
<-- 17. Ideational Disturbance: Poor self-esteem (self-blame, self-depreciation,feelings of failure)
<-- 18. Ideational Disturbance: Pessimism (anticipation of the worst)
<-- 19. Ideational Disturbance: Mood-congruent delusions (delusions of poverty,illness, or loss)
Score: scorescore=(delusion)+(pessimism)+(esteem)+(suicide)+(awakenEarly)+(awakenMult)+(fallAsleep)+(diurnal)+(energy)+(weightLoss)+(appetite)+(interest)+(physical)+(retardation)+(agitation)+(irritable)+(pleasant)+(sadness)+(anxiety) Interpretation: interpretationscore=(delusion)+(pessimism)+(esteem)+(suicide)+(awakenEarly)+(awakenMult)+(fallAsleep)+(diurnal)+(energy)+(weightLoss)+(appetite)+(interest)+(physical)+(retardation)+(agitation)+(irritable)+(pleasant)+(sadness)+(anxiety);score>7?'Suggestive of depression':'Depression unlikely/not detected'
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