Charlson Comorbidity Index select findings below:
<-- Age
<-- Myocardial Infarction
<-- Congestive Heart Failure
<-- Peripheral Vascular Disease
<-- Cerebrovascular Disease
<-- Hemiplegia
<-- Dementia
<-- Chronic Pulmonary Disease
<-- Connective Tissue Disease
<-- Peptic Ulcer Disease
<-- Liver Disease (Mild = cirrhosis without portal hypertension or chronic hepatitis; Moderate to Severe = cirrhosis with portal hypertension with or without variceal bleeding)
<-- Diabetes Mellitus
<-- Moderate to Severe Renal Disease (creatinine > 3, dialysis, kidney transplant history, or uremia)
<-- Tumor
<-- Leukemia
<-- Malignant Lymphoma
<-- AIDS
Score: numberscore0=(Age)+(MI)+(CHF)+(PVD)+(CVD)+(Hemiplegia)+(Dementia)+(Pulmonary)+(Tissue)+(Ulcer)+(Liver)+(Diabetes)+(Renal)+(Tumor)+(Leukemia)+(Lymphoma)+(AIDS)

12 month mortality (does not utilize age and is based on 1996 article): score interpretationscore=(MI)+(CHF)+(PVD)+(CVD)+(Hemiplegia)+(Dementia)+(Pulmonary)+(Tissue)+(Ulcer)+(Liver)+(Diabetes)+(Renal)+(Tumor)+(Leukemia)+(Lymphoma)+(AIDS);score>6?'Extremely High (37.12 percent)':score>4?'Very High (32.55 percent)':score>2?'High (19.27 percent)':score>0?'Medium (10.14 percent)':'Low (3.05 percent)'

10 year survival (utilizes age and is based on 1994 article): score interpretationscore=(100*(Math.pow(.983,(Math.exp(((Age)+(MI)+(CHF)+(PVD)+(CVD)+(Hemiplegia)+(Dementia)+(Pulmonary)+(Tissue)+(Ulcer)+(Liver)+(Diabetes)+(Renal)+(Tumor)+(Leukemia)+(Lymphoma)+(AIDS))*0.9))))).toFixed(2) percent

hide references
#1 FPNotebook Page
#2 Original article: Charlson (1987) J Chronic Dis 40: 373-83
#3 A validation (used for 12 month mortality rate): D'Hoore (1996) J Clin Epidemiol 49:1429-33
#4 A validation (used for 10 year survival rate): Charlson (1994) J Clin Epidemiol 47:1245-51
#5 Huntley (2012) Ann Fam Med 10:134-41

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