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Epworth Sleepiness Scale
May 31, 2010
Mark Morgan
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are sitting and reading
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are watching television
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are sitting inactive at a public place (e.g., in a theater, during a meeting)
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are a passenger in a car riding for an hour without breaks
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are lying down in the afternoon when circumstances permit
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are sitting and talking to someone
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol
No chance (0 points)
Slight chance (1 point)
Moderate chance (2 points)
High chance (3 points)
<-- Rate the chance you will doze off while you are in a car while stopped for a few minutes in traffic
out of 24 points -->
score=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8);score>15?'severe sleepiness - further evaluation recommended for significant daytime sleepiness':score>11?'moderate sleepiness - further evaluation recommended for significant daytime sleepiness':score>7?'mild sleepiness':'normal daytime alertness'
display/hide references
Johns (1991) Sleep 14(6): 540-5
Pagel (2009) Am Fam Physician 79(5):391-396
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