Privacy Policy
Care Management
Apr 11, 2010
Mark Morgan
General & Administrative
Care Management
***Phone call to/Phone call from/Written correspondence to/Written correspondence from/E mail correspondence from/Face to face visit/Faxed prescription request received from/Fax sent to*** ***mother/father/patient/physician/home care nurse/case manager/social worker/pharmacy*** ***requesting prescription refill on the following: ---/with the following prescriptions that were filled: ---/regarding update on care: ---/with notification regarding the following change in condition: ---/with the following recommendations regarding patient's care: ---*** Nurse Assessment: ***recommended to be seen due to ---/recommended to be seen immediately, call 911/recommended to be seen immediately, in the E.D. for evaluation, may travel by car/recommended to be seen immediately, in the office/warnings given to the patient/family concerning the severity of the problem/recommended to be seen today in E.D. as no appointments available in clinic/recommended to be seen today/recommended to be seen today or tomorrow/recommended to be seen within 24 hours/recommended to be seen within 72 hours/recommended to be seen within 2 weeks/recommended to be seen at a later appointment/provided home care per protocol***
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