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Asthma History
Apr 2, 2010
Mark Morgan
Version A
Symptoms include ***wheezing/daytime cough/nighttime cough/cough with exercise/shortness of breath/chest tightness*** *** nights per month *** days per month Triggers ***colds/irritants/allergies/exercise/weather changes*** In the last year: *** ER/UCC visit(s), *** hospitalization(s), *** oral steroid course(s), *** missed school day(s), *** missed parent work day(s) Barriers to taking medications: ***side effects/refusal/social concerns*** Inhaler use: lasts approximately ***weeks***, ***does/does not*** use a spacer Peak flow meter: range is *** Associated symptoms: ***iitchy, red eyes/stuffy nose/sneezing/chronic sore throat/post-nasal drip/eczema/GE reflux*** Associated symptoms are ***under/not under** good control. Exposures include ***smoke/pets/irritants/allergens*** Previous testing and evaluations include ***pulmonary function tests/subspecialist visit(s)/allergy testing***
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Version B
Asthma since age
The patient has experienced the following symptoms:
The pattern of symptoms are
The onset of the symptoms started
Symptoms daily/worsening/with exertion/only at night/has been present daily/has continued to become worse/is present only on exertion/is present only at night/*** days of the past week/month
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Triggering agents and past year's events:
Exacerbating factors:
Home environment
The home is heated by
forced air heat
wood burning stove
steam heat
electric heat
The bedroom
has been made dust free
has not been made dust free
The family is made up of
at least one smoker
The family has
a dog
a cat
a pet that may cause asthma to be worse
no animals
in the
sleeping area
There have been
ER visits, and about
outpatient visits during the past year. The patient has required
no intubation
in the past.
Current Management
Peak flow meter
is used correctly
is used, but needs to have more education
is not used
is used correctly
is used, but needs to have more education
is not used
Personal best peak flow was
Asthma Action Plan
is needed
is used correctly
is used, but needs to have more education
is not used
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