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Hyperlipidemia Diet
Mar 31, 2010
Mark Morgan
Assessment & Plan
Endocrine, Nutrition & Obesity
Step 1
We discussed the Step 1 diet, consisting of total fat intake of less than 30% of calories, saturated fat intake of less than 10% of calories, and less than 300 mg of cholesterol daily. This should be augmented by five or more servings of fruits and vegetables and six or more servings of whole-grain products per day.
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Step 2
We discussed the Step 2 diet, consisting of total fat intake of less than 30% of calories, reduction in saturated fat intake to less than 7% of calories and limit cholesterol to less than 200 mg daily. This should be augmented by five or more servings of fruits and vegetables and six or more servings of whole-grain products per day.
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