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Geriatric Comprehensive History
Mar 31, 2010
Mark Morgan
History provided by ***Self/Spouse/Child/Other*** Language: ***English/Spanish/Other*** Marital History: ***Married/Widowed/Divorced/Single*** Resident lives ***at home/at apartment/at skilled nursing home/at assisted living/with family member/at adult foster care***. Past Medical/Surgical History: ****** Mental Health ***Geriatric Depression Score*** ***Mini Mental Status Exam*** Number of Previous Admissions: ****** Current Medications: ***Name, dose, frequency, dx*** Review all medications for important interactions: ****** Special Dietary needs: a) Loss of 10 pounds in last 6 months ***Yes/No*** b) Is referral to dietician indicated ***Yes/No*** Special Equipment or Therapy: ****** 13. Sensory/Expressive Impairment: a) Hearing (last hearing test) ****** b) Visual (last eye exam) ****** Bladder: ***Continent/Incontinent*** Bowel: ***Continent/Incontinent*** Activities of Daily Living: Needs Help a) Bathing ***Yes/No*** b) Transferring ***Yes/No*** c) Dressing ***Yes/No*** d) Cooking ***Yes/No*** e) Shopping ***Yes/No*** f) Driving ***Yes/No*** g) Taking medications ***Yes/No*** h) Reaching light switches ***Yes/No*** i) Home security ***Yes/No*** j) Ability to use phone ***Yes/No*** k) Housekeeping ***Yes/No*** l) Laundry ***Yes/No*** m) Home repairs ***Yes/No*** n) Money management (finances) ***Yes/No*** o) Ability to respond in emergency ***Yes/No*** Someone in the household able to assist ***Yes/No*** Mobility: Balance/Mobility Use of device: Yes or No Get up & go test ***Positive/Negative*** (Pos > 16 seconds) (Rise from chair, walk 10 feet, turns and returns to chair to sit) History of falls ***Yes/No*** Skin Integrity: Skin breakdown: ***Yes/No*** Wound care/education needed ***Yes/No*** Sleep Disorders: Yes or No Substance Abuse: ETOH ***Yes/No*** Drugs ***Yes/No*** Overuse Narcotics ***Yes/No*** Tobacco ***Yes/No*** Immunizations: Tetanus: ***Yes/No*** Influenza ***Yes/No*** Pneumococcal ***Yes/No*** Educational/Vocational History: ****** Social Supports: ****** Living Will: ***Yes/No*** Power of Attorney for Health Care: ***Yes/No*** Power of Attorney for Finances: ***Yes/No*** Code Status: ***Full Code/DNR-DNI/DNR-DNI (hospitalize as necessary)/DNR-DNI (comfort care)/Hospice*** Spiritual Needs: Referral Needs: OT ***Yes/No*** PT ***Yes/No*** Speech ***Yes/No*** Social Services ***Yes/No*** Home Health Care ***Yes/No*** Plan of Care/Recommendations: ******
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Am Fam Physician. 2005 May 1;71(9):1745-1750
Postgrad Med. 1982 Jul;72(1):189-94, 196, 198. Somatoform disorders: differentiation of conversion, hypochondriacal, psychophysiologic, and related disorders
J Psychiatr Res. 1982-1983;17(1):37-49. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report
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