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Dysmenorrhea Plan
Mar 31, 2010
Mark Morgan
Assessment & Plan
Female Health
Short Version
Dysmenorrhea Reviewed various modalities for relief of cramping including regular exercise, healthy nutrition, nonsteroidals and combined hormonal therapy. Patient has selected combined hormonal therapy. Confidentiality issues reviewed. Prescribed ***medication prescribed and start date***. Side effects, risk and benefits of medications discussed. Clarified related issues of combined hormonal therapy use. I did inform the patient that combined hormonal therapy does not prevent nor protect from sexually transmitted disease. Encouraged condom use with sexual intercourse. Reinforced abstinence as most assured method to avoid pregnancy. Reviewed missed pill process, et cetera. Return in 6 months for review including blood pressure check. Side effects, risks and benefits of medication discussed. Reviewed expectations and commons perceptions about hormonal therapy. Patient education information given. I reviewed visits suggested for medical management and reviewed current Pap/pelvic recommendations. Encouraged the patient to call me if other concerns arise.
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Long Version
Reviewed various modalities for relief of cramping including regular exercise, healthy nutrition, nonsteroidals and combined hormonal therapy.
Side effects, risk and benefits of medications discussed.
Informed the patient that combined hormonal therapy does not prevent nor protect from sexually transmitted disease
Encouraged condom use with sexual intercourse
Reinforced abstinence as most assured method to avoid pregnancy
Reviewed missed pill process
Patient education information given
Return in 6 months for review including blood pressure check
I reviewed current Pap/pelvic recommendations
Encouraged the patient to call if other concerns arise.
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