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Carpal Tunnel Exam
Mar 31, 2010
Mark Morgan
Musculoskeletal & Rheumatology
Examination of the hand showed intact skin bilaterally. Good pulses bilaterally. Good sensation bilaterally. Grip strength ***remained strong on R and L with repetition/weakened with repetition on R/weakened with repetition on L/weakened with repetition on both sides***. Apposition strength of thumb and 5th finger ***remained strong on R and L with repetition/weakened with repetition on R/weakened with repetition on L/weakened with repetition on both sides***. ***Two point discrimination was normal/Two point discrimination was decreased***. Tinel's test was ***positive on R and L/positive on R and negative on L/positive on L and negative on R/negative on both sides***. Direct compression test was ***positive on R and L/positive on R and negative on L/positive on L and negative on R/negative on both sides***. Phalen's test was ***positive on R and L/positive on R and negative on L/positive on L and negative on R/negative on both sides***.
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