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Prostate Cancer Shared Decision Making
Jan 27, 2010
Mark Morgan
Male Health
Prostate Cancer Shared Decision Making
Some reasons not to be tested
I will worry about the test results.
I might nd a prostate cancer that never would have caused me problems or shortened my life.
I will have to deal with treatment and its side e ects.
I might have a biopsy when I didn’t need one.
Other reasons important to you (list them here):
Some reasons to be tested
I will have peace of mind when I know the test results.
My family will know and I will know if I have prostate cancer or not.
I will have a better chance of getting treatment that could help save my life if cancer is found early.
I have some of the risk factors that increase my chances of getting prostate cancer.
Other reasons important to you (list them here):
Which way are you leaning about being tested?
Want to be tested
Not sure
Do not want to be tested
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