categories: spreadsheet

All of this is geared to help the clinical workflow of a provider who has a panel of patients they are responsible for.

EHRs (Electronic health records) have a lot of stakeholders, so it isn’t always easy to find what you need for a visit.

It’s nice to see what you may have done at the last visit and update what has changed. For instance, the patient quit smoking since the last visit.

It’s also helpful to use some of that information to make clinical decisions and recommendations. For instance, what is the patient’s ASCVD risk now that they quit smoking?

Documenting the changes and recommendations makes a better clinical note, but the EHR may not always be up to the challenge. There are web-based solutions out there, but HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) privacy rules make that a risky space to be working with patient information.

As providers, files of patient information pass back and forth and we accumulate files and folders full of information of various levels of importance.

And we’re responsible for all of this information.

So here’s a spreadsheet with some features for tracking and performing calculations.